Phone: 022-49705541


For accountancy purposes, it is very important that our generous donors to the donation email us at their name, address and contact details and also specify the purpose of their donation i.e. which project they would like their money to go towards (write Kross Kut Film Foundation trust if you do not wish to specify a project). We need this information to comply with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act Certificate, released to us by the Ministry of Home Affairs*, India.
KROSS KUT FILM FOUNDATION 85% of all public donations are used for the activities of this foundation such as education for poor (children, girls, boys, men & women), cultural activities for poor & all kinds helping for poor. The Kross Kut Film Foundation group are providing the Foods, Grains, Education, Cultural Activities free of cost only for poor.
You can donate for this foundation according this plan
Foundation providing a breakfast/lunch/dinner to one poor per day in Rs 150/-. So, Rs. 150x30poor = Rs. 4500/per day. Rs. 4500 x 30 days = Rs.135000 (For 30 poor in one month)
Foundation can provide for breakfast/lunch/dinner to thirty poor for one month in Rs 135000.
Support us
Please make your Cheques/DD/Postal Order payable to“Kross Kut Film Foundation”and send us :
TA-74/5, Tughlakabad exnt., Tughlakabad, South Delhi, New Delhi-110019 ( India) Phone No.+91 8591096584